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Northern Areas Videos Found on YouTube

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Northern Areas Burning Awehness Films A planned Peaceful protest concerning the Education Crisis in Port Elizabeth’s Northern Areas turned violent when criminal elements clashed with police. The song, Supa Ster, by Jason “J.Bux” Fraser, is a relevant backdrop for the footage of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCW-Hp24vMI

Current affairs

PE-betoging ontaard in geweld / Violence erupts durings PE protes eNCAeNUUS Port Elizabeth, 27 Julie 2015 – Chaos het in die noordelike gebiede van Port Elizabeth uitgebreek toe ‘n vreedsame protesoptog teen die onderwysdepartement in ‘n gewelddadige botsing met die polisie ontaard het.

Port Elizabeth, 27 July 2015 – Chaos erupted in the northern parts of Port Elizabeth when a protest against the Education department turned into a violent clash with police.


Current Affairs

A 23 year old shot dead during a violent protest action in PE SABC Digital News A 23 year old civilian died during a violent protest action in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth today. Renaldo Henike from Helenvale was shot and died from his injuries in hospital.

Two other people were injured. Angry protesters fired live ammunition at police who were trying to restore peace and calm in the area. Protesters say they are unhappy about escalating gangsterism in the area and housing issues.


Current affairs

Gangsterism Lisa Lottering Gangsters paradise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JSz7R2kkFI

Current affairs

PE gangs intimidate, extort money from learners SABC Digital News Gangs in the northern areas of Port Elizabeth seems to have also turned their attention on school learners. A new intimidatory method is being used to either recruit new members or extort money from learners. A bullet with your name on it is put on your desk: Join, pay the protection fee or die. Helenvale and Gelvandale are the well known ganglands of Port Elizabeth playing host to violent crimes since the 60’s. There are currently 17 gangs operating in the northern areas. Jayed Leigh Paulse has looked into this new phenomenon and filed this report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEydVxOaMtg

Current affairs

Gelvandale Taxi Protection Fee ( Ghetto Tall Gates ) virgil siyabulela This the problem that the cummunity members of the Northern Areas face on a daily basis.

The taxi protection fee situation which puts the lives of the fellow passengers as well as the driver and sliding-door operator at risk.

This is caused by the different gangsters in their different locations.

Police are aware of the matter but yet no solutions has come forward.


current affairs

Gelvandale Youth virgil siyabulela https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54gEEVytqQE


Terrible Twinz Jac     ksonville Port Eliz abeth Performances (DJ Earl, Bak Pap, Skarrel). live

Branton Jonas

Branton Jonas

Branton Jonas An interview with the Dawgs from Jacksonville Port Elizabeth South Africa and live performance not to miss (DJy Earl, Bak Pap, Skarrel). Some insight into their upbringing and the Evolution of Afrikaans Hip-hop in Port Elizabeth’s Northern Areas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQs2LfNkHVw


Standard YouTube License

A Dawgs Entry: The Terrible Twinz (PE) live at St Thomas High Afrikaans Hip-Hop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydGGa25wfPU


Afrikaans Hip-hop is a crucial tool of youth emancipation for South Africa’s Coulored youth. Here is a glimpse of its prospects for future growth. The Terrible TwinZ represents a unique brand of Afrikaans Hip-Hop that would blow your mind. The song in the video is called “Skarrel” or “Hussle” in English. In the song they articulate their views on South Africa’s socio-economic struggle utilizing key Afrikaans hip-hop lingual and dialect to express themselves. Stating that: “Om te Skarrel is ‘n wet” (to Hussle is law). From the tender age of 5, they have ventured through difficult times to get where they are, yet to actually make a measurable living out of the genre or art, may soon become a reality. Thanks to Keith Sayster and Fokus for the programme, Andre Mackay (Dre Maakie Beat Nca) producer of Skarrel Original version, and Vincent Fraser (Vinnie da Boss) owner of Phat House productions PE. Gwala die Terrible Twinz vanaf Schauderville en Jacksonville en die hele wereld vol. Respect to all Afrikaans HipHopKoppe. We won’t stop! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNZs-ZavBkA

People and blogs

Standard  YouTube Licence

Name Originator Description URL, licence and Category
 Terrible Twinz Jac     ksonville Port Eliz abeth Performances (DJ Earl, Bak Pap, Skarrel). live

Branton Jonas

Branton Jonas

Branton Jonas An interview with the Dawgs from Jacksonville Port Elizabeth South Africa and live performance not to miss (DJy Earl, Bak Pap, Skarrel). Some insight into their upbringing and the Evolution of Afrikaans Hip-hop in Port Elizabeth’s Northern Areas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQs2LfNkHVw


Standard YouTube License

Dawgs Entry: The Terrible Twinz (PE) live at St Thomas High Afrikaans Hip-Hop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydGGa25wfPU


Branton Jonas Afrikaans Hip-hop is a crucial tool of youth emancipation for South Africa’s Coulored youth. Here is a glimpse of its prospects for future growth. The Terrible TwinZ represents a unique brand of Afrikaans Hip-Hop that would blow your mind. The song in the video is called “Skarrel” or “Hussle” in English. In the song they articulate their views on South Africa’s socio-economic struggle utilizing key Afrikaans hip-hop lingual and dialect to express themselves. Stating that: “Om te Skarrel is ‘n wet” (to Hussle is law). From the tender age of 5, they have ventured through difficult times to get where they are, yet to actually make a measurable living out of the genre or art, may soon become a reality. Thanks to Keith Sayster and Fokus for the programme, Andre Mackay (Dre Maakie Beat Nca) producer of Skarrel Original version, and Vincent Fraser (Vinnie da Boss) owner of Phat House productions PE. Gwala die Terrible Twinz vanaf Schauderville en Jacksonville en die hele wereld vol. Respect to all Afrikaans HipHopKoppe. We won’t stop! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNZs-ZavBkA

People and blogs

Standard  YouTube Licence

Revolution “Be the Change” ft various artists from PE with Junant Bozza Petersen and Boef Branton Jonas Port Elizabeht Northern Areas Music in your face, Respect Awehness Justin Oliphant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLfYYZyw838

Category: Music

License: Standard YouTube License

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