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Name of website | URL |
Coloured Mentality | https://www.facebook.com/colouredmentality/ |
Historical Society of PE | http://www.historicalsocietype.co.za/index.html |
Indian Delights | http://www.indiandelights.co.za/ |
MY PE News | http://mype.co.za/new/all-authors-page |
Northern Areas Heritage and History Project | http://sadratinstitute.org.za/project-programmes/northern-areas-heritage-and-history-project-nahhp/ |
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality | http://www.nelsonmandelabay.gov.za/Landing.aspx |
South African History Online | http://www.sahistory.org.za/ |
South End Museum | http://www.southendmuseum.co.za/ |
The Casual Observer | http://thecasualobserver.co.za/ |
The Casual Observer |
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