word “Kurios trend” is derived from ancient Greek, referring to the supremacy and the power of God. We believe and trust fully that the work done in our community, through Kurios Trend Volunteer Projects, is meaningful, sustainable, and will positively impact not only the people from our community, but also the volunteers who choose to do service with us.
Although we are a relatively young organization, we pride ourselves on being experts in the field and providing ethical service opportunities for passionate, mission-oriented individuals. We are dynamic and receptive to the interests of volunteers, working collaboratively to help them meet their goals. We make it our personal duty to find the best alignment between volunteers and service projects.
Kurios Trend operates from within the community. We are not a multinational for-profit agency, but a small, local organization meeting real community needs and providing an authentic Eastern Cape experience. Growing up and living in these communities allows us to create and sustain purposeful projects!
We invite you all to join us in striving for constructive change within our community and nation.
Vision – to provide sustainable community programs and be a leader in community development in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth.
Kurios Trend. (2018). About Us – Kurios Trend. [online] Available at: http://kuriostrend.co.za/about-us/ [Accessed 21 May 2018].
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