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Age in Action http://search.info4africa.org.za/Organisation?Id=79562

Cheshire Old Age Home

During 1993, in response to a desperate need for residential care for disabled persons, Cleary Estate Cheshire Home opened its doors to forty severely disabled adults from the local community.

Over the years, the Home has had to face considerable financial challenges, but with the support of many, donors, volunteers and staff has managed to overcome and create a wonderful service to an impoverished community.

Cleary Estate Cheshire Home accommodates residents with a variety of disabilities and some with multi-disabilities. Some engage in recreational activities and hobbies to create a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Local Volunteers are crucial to life at the Cleary Estate Home. They bring a sense of family and belonging.

Cleary Estate Cheshire Home is situated in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth. Our Home caters for 42 residents. There is fusion of all races with the majority of residents being African. Several of our residents play key roles or positions in our home e.g. Mza is the switchboard operator, Beverly is responsible for access control to the premises, and Brain does maintenance, Reginald helps in the Kitchen, Clifford is our fireman, Martin is our Security. Residents look after one another‘s needs.

We also have a beading and fabric painting project which gives our residents an income generating opportunity.

A Childrens programme that caters for 45 physically disabled children form the community is situated on our premises. Transport is provided daily from their homes to Cleary Estate Cheshire Home and back again, Using an aging vehicle. There is dire need for a bigger bus. Each day we provide the children with cooked meal. Physical and educational stimulation is also provided in a programme designed to prepare these children for mainstream education. It is rewarding to see our children advance to regular schooling where they will be able be socially integrated into an equal environment.


Cheshirehomesa.org.za. (n.d.). About Clearly Estate. [online] Available at: http://www.cheshirehomesa.org.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=45&Itemid=44 [Accessed 23 Apr. 2018].

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Last Updated: April 2018 Incorrect information? Or want to add more?  email: info.napedia@gmail.com

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