Cedric Frolick |
Born 1967 in Schauderville, Port Elizabeth, Frolick spent most of his young life in the Northern Areas. He attended De Vos Malan Primary School and matriculated from David Livingstone Senior Secondary School in 1984. He furthered his education at the University of Port Elizabeth (Nelson Mandela University). Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in Geography and Psychology in 1987, a Higher Diploma in Education (post-grad) in 1988 and a Bachelor of Education (Honours) degree in 1992[1] and is currently completing a Masters of Philosophy in International Political Economy there.
Frolick served on the following Portfolio Committees: Sport & Recreation, Public Enterprises and Trade & Industry, and was the Deputy Chairperson for the Sport & Recreation Portfolio Committee. In June 2003 he was appointed as ANC Whip for Sport & Recreation and Whip responsible for Legislation in the National Assembly. He was re-elected for a second-term in April 2004 and was appointed ANC Whip for Sport & Recreation and ANC Whip responsible for Questions to the Presidency & the Executive, Motions & Members’ Statements. He also served as the ANC Cluster Whip on Social Transformation and served as an additional member of the NEC Sub-Committee on Social Transformation. He served on the multi-party Chief Whips Forum and the ANC Strategy Committee in Parliament. He was again y re-elected to Parliament in April 2009 and appointed Senior ANC National Assembly Programming Whip in May 2009. During the ANC re-shuffle in November 2010 he was appointed as the National Assembly House Chairperson for Committee’s, ICT and Oversight. There he has advocated for tackling global warming and implementing the Millennium Development Goals.[6] |
En.wikipedia.org. (n.d.). Cedric Frolick. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cedric_Frolick [Accessed 16 Feb. 2018]. Parliament.gov.za. (n.d.). Mr Cedric Frolick – Parliament of South Africa. [online] Available at: https://www.parliament.gov.za/person-details/655 [Accessed 16 Feb. 2018]. |
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